Manufacturer | Code # | Error |
Hyosung | 0 | Normal Status |
Hyosung | 0 | No errors. |
Hyosung | 1.10E+07 | LOST CARD, DEV_MCU |
Hyosung | 1.10E+07 | LOST CARD & SLIP, DEV_MCU | DEV_SPR |
Hyosung | 1.11E+07 | LOST PB, DEV_PBM |
Hyosung | 1.11E+07 | LOST SLIP, DEV_SPR |
Hyosung | 1030100 | DEV_PIN (Key data error from host) |
Hyosung | 1101910 | LOST CARD & SLIP”, DEV_MCU | DEV_SPR |
Hyosung | 1102910 | LOST WITHDRAW CASH”, DEV_CSH |
Hyosung | 1102920 | LOST DEPOSIT CASH”, DEV_CSH |
Hyosung | 1103910 | LOST CARD & SLIP”, DEV_MCU | DEV_SPR |
Hyosung | 1106910 | LOST SLIP”, DEV_SPR |
Hyosung | 2000000 | Unknown |
Hyosung | 2000100 | No cassette |
Hyosung | 2000100 | No cassette |
Hyosung | 2000200 | Note shortage |
Hyosung | 2000200 | Note shortage |
Hyosung | 2000300 | Reject bin full |
Hyosung | 2000300 | Reject bin full |
Hyosung | 2000400 | Vault door open |
Hyosung | 2000400 | Vault Door is Open |
Hyosung | 2000500 | Cash Dispenser Unit data setting error |
Hyosung | 2000800 | Unknown |
Hyosung | 2001000 | Receipt paper jam |
Hyosung | 2001100 | Receipt Printer thermal head over heated. |
Hyosung | 2001200 | Receipt printer feed plate open |
Hyosung | 2001300 | Out of receipt (Receipt paper empty) |
Hyosung | 2001400 | Receipt printer head overheated before printing |
Hyosung | 2001600 | Note detected in stacker (shutter or presenter type) |
Hyosung | 2010100 | Receipt printer lever opened |
Hyosung | 2010100 | Receipt printer lever opened |
Hyosung | 2010200 | Receipt printer head overheated |
Hyosung | 2010300 | Receipt paper jam |
Hyosung | 2010400 | Receipt paper empty |
Hyosung | 2010400 | Receipt paper empty |
Hyosung | 2010500 | Receipt paper setting error |
Hyosung | 2010500 | Unknown |
Hyosung | 2010600 | Command is received while doing self-test |
Hyosung | 2010600 | Unknown |
Hyosung | 2010700 | No receipt paper |
Hyosung | 2010800 | Receipt paper cutting error |
Hyosung | 2010800 | Receipt paper cutting error |
Hyosung | 2010900 | No sensing black mark (dark sensor) |
Hyosung | 2010A00 | The size of image print data is abnormal |
Hyosung | 2010A00 | The size of image print data is abnormal |
Hyosung | 2021500 | Sensor detects note in delivery path beforeCDU dispenses |
Hyosung | 2080100 | Receipt printer lever opened |
Hyosung | 2080100 | Receipt printer lever opened |
Hyosung | 2080200 | Receipt printer head overheated |
Hyosung | 2080200 | Unknown |
Hyosung | 2080300 | Receipt paper jam |
Hyosung | 2080300 | Receipt paper jam |
Hyosung | 2080400 | Receipt paper empty |
Hyosung | 2080400 | Receipt paper empty |
Hyosung | 2080500 | Receipt paper setting error |
Hyosung | 2080500 | Receipt paper setting error |
Hyosung | 2080600 | Command is received while doing self-test |
Hyosung | 208070 | Receipt paper runs out of after printing |
Hyosung | 2080700 | No receipt paper |
Hyosung | 2080800 | Receipt paper cutting error |
Hyosung | 2080800 | Unknown |
Hyosung | 2080900 | No sensing black mark (dark sensor) |
Hyosung | 2080900 | Unknown |
Hyosung | 2080A00 | The size of image print data is abnormal |
Hyosung | 2080B00 | Margin setting error |
Hyosung | 2080C00 | Paper jammed at the exit of the slot |
Hyosung | 2080C00 | Paper jammed at the exit of the slot |
Hyosung | 2080D00 | Paper jammed in the path |
Hyosung | 2080D00 | Unknown |
Hyosung | 2080F00 | The firmware crashed |
Hyosung | 2131500 | CS4 sensor detects note in delivery path before CDU dispenses. Sensor is located along the delivery path right before the reject bin. |
Hyosung | 21A1500 | CS1A sensor detects note in delivery path before CDU dispenses. Sensor is located along the delivery path right after where the note exits the 1st cassette. |
Hyosung | 21B1500 | CSB sensor detects note in delivery pathbefore CDU dispenses. Sensor is located along the delivery path right after where the note exits the 1st cassette. |
Hyosung | 24A1500 | CS3A sensor detects note in delivery path before CDU dispenses. Sensor is located along the delivery path right after where the note exits the 3rd cassette. |
Hyosung | 24B1500 | CS3B sensor detects note in delivery path before CDU dispenses. Sensor is located along the delivery path right after where the note exits the 3rd cassette. |
Hyosung | 2DN0000 | Failed to connect communication betweenReceipt printer and SP |
Hyosung | 2YY1500 | Receipt paper jam. |
Hyosung | 3100000 | Unknown |
Hyosung | 3100200 | Command Execution is fatal |
Hyosung | 3100400 | Unknown |
Hyosung | 3101000 | Unknown |
Hyosung | 3103000 | A power failure during transaction has occurred. |
Hyosung | 3106000 | Unknown |
Hyosung | 3106300 | Unknown |
Hyosung | 3106400 | Unknown |
Hyosung | 3107200 | Unknown |
Hyosung | 3109600 | Unknown |
Hyosung | 4000 | Error of being removed 2nd cassette before separate rejection |
Hyosung | 40000 | Receive undefined command. |
Hyosung | 4000000 | Cash Dispenser(CDU) received the undefined command from AP software |
Hyosung | 4000000 | Cash Dispenser(CDU) received the undefined command from AP software |
Hyosung | 4001100 | Detecting CS2 / LS3 Dark |
Hyosung | 4001100 | Detecting CS2 / LS3 Dark |
Hyosung | 40014 | – Detect CS4A after initialization.- Detect CS4A before dispensing. |
Hyosung | 4001400 | CS4A / LS9 sensor detects note in delivery path before/after CDU dispenses |
Hyosung | 4001400 | CS4A / LS9 sensor detects note in delivery path before/after CDU dispenses |
Hyosung | 4001500 | CS2 or CS4A sensor detects note in delivery path before/after CDU dispenses |
Hyosung | 40018 | – Detect CS4B after initialization.- Detect CS4B before dispensing. |
Hyosung | 4001800 | CS4B sensor detects note in delivery path before/after CDU dispenses |
Hyosung | 4001800 | CS4B sensor detects note in delivery path before/after CDU dispenses |
Hyosung | 4001900 | CS2 or CS4B sensor detects note in delivery path before/after CDU dispenses |
Hyosung | 4001C | – Detect CS4A & CS4B after initialization.- Detect CS4A & CS4B before dispensing. |
Hyosung | 4001C00 | CS4A or CS4B sensor detects note in delivery path before/after CDU dispenses |
Hyosung | 4001C00 | CS4A or CS4B sensor detects note in delivery path before/after CDU dispenses |
Hyosung | 4001D00 | CS2, CS4A or CS4B sensor detects note in delivery path before/after CDU dispenses |
Hyosung | 40021 | Detect CS1A after initialization / Detect CS1Abefore dispensing. |
Hyosung | 4002100 | CS1A / LS1 sensor detects note in delivery path before/after CDU dispenses |
Hyosung | 4002100 | CS1A / LS1 sensor detects note in delivery path before/after CDU dispenses |
Hyosung | 40022 | Detect CS1B after initialization / Detect CS1Bbefore dispensing. |
Hyosung | 4002200 | CS1B sensor detects note in delivery path before/after CDU dispenses |
Hyosung | 4002200 | CS1B sensor detects note in delivery path before/after CDU dispenses |
Hyosung | 40023 | Detect CS1A & CS1B after initialization / DetectCS1A & CS1B before dispensing. |
Hyosung | 4002300 | CS1A or CS1B sensor detects note in delivery path before/after CDU dispenses |
Hyosung | 4002300 | CS1A or CS1B sensor detects note in delivery path before/after CDU dispenses |
Hyosung | 40028 | Detect CS13 after initialization / Detect CS13 before dispensing. |
Hyosung | 4002800 | CS13 sensor detects note in delivery path before/after CDU dispenses |
Hyosung | 4002800 | CS13 sensor detects note in delivery path before/after CDU dispenses |
Hyosung | 40029 | Detect CS13 & CS1A after initialization / DetectCS13 & CS1A before dispensing. |
Hyosung | 4002900 | CS1A or CS13 sensor detects note in delivery path before/after CDU dispenses |
Hyosung | 4002900 | CS1A or CS13 sensor detects note in delivery path before/after CDU dispenses |
Hyosung | 4002A | Detect CS13 & CS1B after initialization / DetectCS13 & CS1B before dispensing. |
Hyosung | 4002A00 | CS1B or CS13 sensor detects note in delivery path before/after CDU dispenses |
Hyosung | 4002A00 | CS1B or CS13 sensor detects note in delivery path before/after CDU dispenses |
Hyosung | 4002B | Detect CS13 & CS1A & CS1B after initialization/ Detect CS13 & CS1A & CS1B before dispensing. |
Hyosung | 4002B00 | CS1A, CS1B or CS13 sensor detects note in delivery path before/after CDU dispenses |
Hyosung | 4002B00 | Unknown |
Hyosung | 40030 | (INITIAL / DISPENSE) Motor Constant SpeedError |
Hyosung | 4003000 | Failed in checking the main motor echo |
Hyosung | 4003000 | Failed in checking the main motor echo |
Hyosung | 40031 | (INITIAL / DISPENSE) SOLENOID ECHO Error |
Hyosung | 4003100 | Failed in checking the reject gate solenoid echo |
Hyosung | 4003100 | Failed in checking the reject gate solenoid echo |
Hyosung | 4003200 | Failed in checking the present gate solenoid echo |
Hyosung | 4003300 | Check sum error (No information is set) |
Hyosung | 4003400 | Error of two sheets detecting sensor(CS5_1) |
Hyosung | 4003400 | Unknown |
Hyosung | 40036 | Detect CS13 before initialization. |
Hyosung | 4003600 | Error of CS 2, CS13 / LS2 sensor during initialization |
Hyosung | 4003600 | CS13/LS2 (exit) sensor is being blocked after ATM initialization. |
Hyosung | 4003700 | Error of 2 sheets detecting sensor (CS5_1 / CS5_2) for dispensing |
Hyosung | 4003700 | Error of 2 sheets detecting sensor (CS5_1 / CS5_2) for dispensing |
Hyosung | 4003800 | Error in checking SRAM |
Hyosung | 40039 | Reject gate jammed (bill jam) or CS3 position sensor is malfunctioning |
Hyosung | 4003900 | Reject gate jammed (bill jam) or CS3 position sensor is malfunctioning |
Hyosung | 4003900 | Reject gate jammed (bill jam) or CS3 position sensor is malfunctioning. |
Hyosung | 4003A00 | When more than 5 sheets of cash dispensing is required during a test |
Hyosung | 4003A00 | When more than 5 sheets of cash dispensing is required during a test |
Hyosung | 4003B00 | When CS15A or CS 15B sensor is detected as dark after initial recovery |
Hyosung | 4003B00 | When CS15A or CS 15B sensor is detected as dark after initial recovery |
Hyosung | 4004 | Error of being removed 2nd cassette before separate rejection |
Hyosung | 40040 | Cassette removed from position during dispense operation |
Hyosung | 4004000 | Cassette removed from position during dispense operation |
Hyosung | 4004000 | Cassette removed from position during dispense operation |
Hyosung | 40041 | (DISPENSE) Reboot 12 or more times |
Hyosung | 4004100 | Dispenser has rejected five consecutive times during a transaction attempt. |
Hyosung | 4004100 | Dispenser has rejected five consecutive times during a transaction attempt. |
Hyosung | 40042 | (DISPENSE) The dispensed number of notes is less than requested. |
Hyosung | 4004200 | In case the number of notes detected outlet sensor(CS13 / LS2) is less than the number of required notes |
Hyosung | 4004200 | In case the number of notes detected outlet sensor(CS13 / LS2) is less than the number of required notes |
Hyosung | 40043 | (DISPENSE) Reject more than 40 sheets. |
Hyosung | 4004300 | Error if total reject is more than 20 sheets |
Hyosung | 4004300 | Error if total reject is more than 20 sheets |
Hyosung | 4004400 | Error if continuous 5 times are rejected |
Hyosung | 4004400 | Error if continuous 5 times are rejected |
Hyosung | 40045 | (DISPENSE) The dispensed number of notes is more than requested during/after operation |
Hyosung | 4004500 | In case the number of notes detected outlet sensor(CS13 / LS2) is more than required notes |
Hyosung | 4004500 | In case the number of notes detected outlet sensor(CS13 / LS2) is more than required notes |
Hyosung | 4004600 | Program error(Separated rejection) |
Hyosung | 4004600 | Program error(Separated rejection) |
Hyosung | 40047 | (DISPENSE) Reboot 5 or more times due to miss pick up |
Hyosung | 4004700 | Cassette feed failure |
Hyosung | 4004700 | Cassette feed failure |
Hyosung | 4004800 | Error if the number of dispensed notes is not matched to the requested |
Hyosung | 40049 | (DISPENSE) Received the number of requirement by �0�. |
Hyosung | 4004900 | Error to dispense 0 sheets to be required |
Hyosung | 4004A | (DISPENSE) Jam during dispensing. |
Hyosung | 4004A00 | Error of note jam (Separated rejection) |
Hyosung | 4004A00 | Error of note jam (Separated rejection) |
Hyosung | 4004B00 | Continuous 3 times error if note is long |
Hyosung | 4004B00 | Continuous 3 times error if note is long |
Hyosung | 4004C00 | In case the number of notes detected outlet sensor(CS13/ LS2) is more than that of notes |
Hyosung | 4004D | (DISPENSE) Cassette separation before operation. |
Hyosung | 4004D00 | Error of being removed 1st cassette before separate rejection |
Hyosung | 4004D00 | Error of being removed 1st cassette before separate rejection |
Hyosung | 4.00E+03 | Error of being removed 2nd cassette before separate rejection |
Hyosung | 4.00E+03 | Error of being removed 2nd cassette before separate rejection |
Hyosung | 40051 | (DISPENSE) Received the required number of notes 150 or more. |
Hyosung | 4005100 | Received a request for over 150 notes dispensing on the Cash Dispenser from the upper unit. |
Hyosung | 4005200 | The remaining notes at the sensor in front of the CST after dispense operation (CS1A, CS1B) |
Hyosung | 4005300 | Error for the double note detection during separation. |
Hyosung | 4005400 | Cash Dispenser EP Program Error during dispense operation (failed table search) |
Hyosung | 4005400 | Cash Dispenser EP Program Error during dispense operation (failed table search) |
Hyosung | 40055 | (DISPENSE) Detect CS13 during constant speed of motor / CS13 Jam during dispensing. |
Hyosung | 4005500 | Dispenser detected a bill jam at the (CS13/LS2) exit sensor. |
Hyosung | 4005500 | Cash dispenser error |
Hyosung | 40056 | (DISPENSE) Solenoid Error during dispensing. |
Hyosung | 4005600 | Abnormal operation of the gate solenoid during dispense operation. |
Hyosung | 4005600 | Bill jam at reject gate in dispenser. |
Hyosung | 4005700 | Cash dispenser configuration error |
Hyosung | 4005800 | Retract box position error during command reserved operation |
Hyosung | 4005900 | Initial jam time error |
Hyosung | 4005B00 | 2 Cassette Miss Feed Error (Fail to reject bill separately.) |
Hyosung | 4005B00 | 2 Cassette Miss Feed Error (Fail to reject bill separately.) |
Hyosung | 4005D00 | Continuously detected 2 notes for three times or more during dispense operation |
Hyosung | 4005D00 | Continuously detected 2 notes for three times or more during dispense operation |
Hyosung | 4006000 | Something is detected in C31AB sensor before dispensing bills from 3rd cassette. |
Hyosung | 4006100 | Something is detected in C31AB sensor before dispensing bills. |
Hyosung | 4006100 | Something is detected in C31AB sensor before dispensing bills. |
Hyosung | 4006200 | Bills are remained in CS1AB sensor after dispensing bills. |
Hyosung | 4006200 | Unknown |
Hyosung | 4006300 | Bills are remained in CS31AB sensor after dispensing bills |
Hyosung | 4006300 | Unknown |
Hyosung | 4006400 | Unknown |
Hyosung | 4006A00 | CS15AB ~ CS13 Time out(Jam) during dispensing bills from second cassette. |
Hyosung | 4006A00 | CS15AB – CS13 Time out(Jam) during dispensing bills from second cassette. |
Hyosung | 4006B00 | Something is detected on CS31A, CS31Bsensor during initialization |
Hyosung | 4006B00 | Something is detected on CS31A CS31B sensor during initialization |
Hyosung | 4007000 | Something is detected on CS41AB sensor before dispensing bills from fourth cassette. |
Hyosung | 4007200 | Something is detected on CS41AB sensor during dispensing bills. |
Hyosung | 4007300 | Bills is remained in CS41AB sensor after dispensing bills. |
Hyosung | 4007A00 | CS31AB ~ CS13 Time out (Jam) during dispensing bills from fourth cassette. |
Hyosung | 4007A00 | Unknown |
Hyosung | 4007B00 | Something is detected on CS41A, CS41Bsensor in initialization |
Hyosung | 4007C00 | Missfeed error in 4th cassette |
Hyosung | 4007D00 | Trying to dispense bills from 4th cassette but the 4th cassette doesn’t installed. |
Hyosung | 4008000 | Something is detected on CS15AB sensor before dispensing operation |
Hyosung | 4008100 | Something is detected in C15AB sensor during dispensing operation |
Hyosung | 4008100 | Unknown |
Hyosung | 4008200 | Bill is remained in CS15AB sensor after dispensing operation |
Hyosung | 4008200 | Bill is remained in CS15AB sensor after dispensing operation |
Hyosung | 40088 | (DISPENSE) Dispense the notes on the state of unsupported denomination setting. |
Hyosung | 4008F00 | CS13 sensor detects a bill with hole during dispensing |
Hyosung | 4008F00 | CS13 sensor detects a bill with hole during dispensing |
Hyosung | 40090 | Decryption Error / Key Error |
Hyosung | 40091 | Receive CMD except certification on the status of non-certification. |
Hyosung | 4009100 | Unknown |
Hyosung | 40092 | Encryption Chip Communication Error |
Hyosung | 40093 | 0xC1 Command Execution Error (CertificationFail) |
Hyosung | 40094 | 0xC2 Command Execution Error (CertificationFail) |
Hyosung | 4009A00 | CS31AB~CS13 Time out(Jam) during dispensing from 3rd cassette. |
Hyosung | 4009A00 | CS31AB-0513 Time out(Jam) during dispensing from 3rd cassette. |
Hyosung | 4009D00 | Trying to dispense bills from 3rd cassette but the 3rd cassette doesn’t installed. |
Hyosung | 4009F00 | 3 cassette miss feed error |
Hyosung | 4009F00 | 3 cassette miss feed error |
Hyosung | 400AC00 | Something is detected on CS2 sensor after dispense operation |
Hyosung | 400AC00 | Unknown |
Hyosung | 400BC00 | Communication error – Command Length doesn’t match. |
Hyosung | 400BC00 | Communication error – Command Length doesn’t match. |
Hyosung | 400BD | (Set CDU Info) CDU Type Setting Error |
Hyosung | 400BE | Bill jam detected at reject gate sensor (CS4) |
Hyosung | 400BE00 | Bill jam detected at reject gate sensor (CS4) |
Hyosung | 400BE00 | Bill jam detected at reject gate sensor (CS4) |
Hyosung | 400BF | (Initialize, Dispense) No Encoder Signal 150ms or more during operation. |
Hyosung | 400C000 | Unknown |
Hyosung | 400C100 | Cassette Jam during dispense operation |
Hyosung | 400C100 | Cassette Jam during dispense operation |
Hyosung | 400C200 | Cassette Jam during dispense operation |
Hyosung | 400C300 | Cassette Jam during dispense operation |
Hyosung | 400C300 | Unknown |
Hyosung | 400C400 | Cassette Jam during dispense operation |
Hyosung | 400C400 | Cassette Jam during dispense operation |
Hyosung | 400C6 | Detect CS13 during initialization. |
Hyosung | 400C600 | Error of CS 2, CS13 sensor during initialization |
Hyosung | 400C600 | Error of CS 2, CS13 sensor during initialization |
Hyosung | 400C700 | Something is detected on CS12 sensor during dispensing bills or initialization. |
Hyosung | 400C800 | Something is detected on CS14 sensor during dispensing bills or initialization. |
Hyosung | 400C800 | CS14 sensor is detected as dark during initialize or dispense |
Hyosung | 400C900 | Something is detected on CS14 sensor after dispense operation |
Hyosung | 400C900 | Something is detected on CS14 sensor after dispense operation |
Hyosung | 400CC | (DISPENSE) Detect CS1A, CS1B just before reset. |
Hyosung | 400CC00 | Bill jam in cassette during operation |
Hyosung | 400CC00 | Bill jam in cassette during operation |
Hyosung | 400D000 | Bills are passed on CS13~CS12 sensor – Timeout[Jam]. |
Hyosung | 400D000 | Bills are passed on CS13-0512 sensor – Timeout[Jam] |
Hyosung | 400D100 | Bills are passed on CS12~CS14 sensor – Timeout[Jam]. |
Hyosung | 400D100 | Bills are passed on CS12-CS14 sensor – Timeout[Jam]. |
Hyosung | 400D7 | DIP Switch Setting Error |
Hyosung | 400FF00 | Bill jam |
Hyosung | 4DN0000 | Cash Dispenser communication failure during sending command to cash dispenser |
Hyosung | 4DN0000 | Cash Dispenser communication failure during sending command to cash dispenser |
Hyosung | 4DN0100 | Cash Dispenser communication failure during receiving command to cash dispenser |
Hyosung | 4DN0100 | Cash Dispenser communication failure during receiving command to cash dispenser |
Hyosung | 4DN8100 | Communication error of Shutter |
Hyosung | 4V00200 | Unknown |
Hyosung | 4V00300 | Unknown |
Hyosung | 4V00400 | Unknown |
Hyosung | 4V00500 | Unknown |
Hyosung | 4V00700 | Unknown |
Hyosung | 4V00d00 | Unknown |
Hyosung | 4V00f00 | Unknown |
Hyosung | 4V01100 | Unknown |
Hyosung | 4V01200 | Unknown |
Hyosung | 4V01500 | Unknown |
Hyosung | 4V01f00 | Unknown |
Hyosung | 4V02800 | Unknown |
Hyosung | 4V02a00 | Unknown |
Hyosung | 4V02b00 | Unknown |
Hyosung | 4V04200 | Unknown |
Hyosung | 5300 | No Savings Account |
Hyosung | 8216091 | Cash jammed on Cash Dispenser |
Hyosung | 8216091 | Unknown |
Hyosung | 8217091 | Card in card reader |
Hyosung | 8217091 | Card in card reader |
Hyosung | 8218091 | PBM EXIST |
Hyosung | 9.72E+07 | Non-Indexed value for Indexed Field |
Hyosung | 9.72E+08 | Invalid Field |
Hyosung | 9.72E+09 | Invalid Field (This Field’s width is 0) |
Hyosung | 90001 | Card Reader error |
Hyosung | 9000100 | Receipt paper empty. |
Hyosung | 90002 | Invalid IC card communication error |
Hyosung | 9000200 | Receipt paper setting error. |
Hyosung | 90003 | DIP MCR latch failure |
Hyosung | 9000300 | Receipt Printer DIP switch error. |
Hyosung | 90004 | DIP MCR unlatch failure |
Hyosung | 9000400 | Receipt Printer Lever Opened |
Hyosung | 90005 | DIP MCR power on failure |
Hyosung | 9000500 | Receipt Printer cutter error. |
Hyosung | 90006 | DIP MCR power off failure |
Hyosung | 9000600 | Receipt Printer connection failure. |
Hyosung | 9311200 | Unknown |
Hyosung | 9313200 | Unknown |
Hyosung | 9313300 | Unknown |
Hyosung | 93A9500 | Unknown |
Hyosung | 9701010 | Failed to connect communication between SP ofPIN and EP of one |
Hyosung | 9701012 | Failed to deliver to data of EPP�s SP |
Hyosung | 9701016 | Received data time out of EPP |
Hyosung | 9701017 | Delivered data time out of EPP |
Hyosung | 9701031 | Failed to read Register of EPP |
Hyosung | 9701040 | Failed to produce Thread of EPP |
Hyosung | 9701060 | Failed to create buffer |
Hyosung | 9701111 | BCC error of EPP |
Hyosung | 9701150 | Pinpad (EPP) is down when it receives an ‘Initializing� command |
Hyosung | 9701151 | EPP is down when it receives an ‘Get Status’ command |
Hyosung | 9701152 | EPP is down when it receives an ‘Clear Func Key’ command |
Hyosung | 9704034 | Failed to delete file |
Hyosung | 9704040 | Failed to create Thread |
Hyosung | 9704043 | Failed to terminate Thread |
Hyosung | 9704050 | Failed to create Process |
Hyosung | 9704053 | Failed to terminate Process |
Hyosung | 9704060 | Failed to create Memory |
Hyosung | 9704061 | Failed to read Memory |
Hyosung | 9704062 | Failed to write Memory |
Hyosung | 9704063 | Failed to close Memory |
Hyosung | 9704068 | Invalid pointer |
Hyosung | 9704070 | Failed to create Mutex |
Hyosung | 9704073 | Failed to release Mutex |
Hyosung | 9704076 | Failed to wait time out Mutex |
Hyosung | 9704080 | Failed to create Event |
Hyosung | 9704086 | Failed to wait time out Event |
Hyosung | 9704100 | Failed to connect polling or timeout |
Hyosung | 9704101 | Failed to connect polling or line error |
Hyosung | 9704102 | Timeout to send polling |
Hyosung | 9704103 | Failed to close polling or timeout |
Hyosung | 9704104 | Failed to close polling or line error |
Hyosung | 9712000 | Failed to create file |
Hyosung | 9712100 | Failed to read file |
Hyosung | 9712200 | Failed to write file |
Hyosung | 9712300 | Failed to close file |
Hyosung | 9712400 | Failed to delete file |
Hyosung | 9712500 | Failed to copy file |
Hyosung | 9712600 | Failed to create directory |
Hyosung | 9719000 | Failed to execute an extra command in the status of Cash Unit Exchange |
Hyosung | 9719100 | In case of not being the status of Cash UnitExchange out of End Exchange |
Hyosung | 9719200 | In case of carrying out Cash In Start command at two times |
Hyosung | 9719300 | In case of not being the status of Cash In out of End Cash In |
Hyosung | 9719400 | Invalid Cash Unit ID |
Hyosung | 9719500 | Invalid Cash Unit number |
Hyosung | 9719600 | The abnormal of the number of Cash Unit |
Hyosung | 9719700 | No. of dispensed notes that software counts is not matched to it cash dispenser responded |
Hyosung | 9719700 | No. of dispensed notes that software counts is not matched to it cash dispenser responded |
Hyosung | 971A000 | Invalid denomination |
Hyosung | 971A100 | Invalid currency |
Hyosung | 971A200 | CASSETTE OFF POSITION�. Not dispensable |
Hyosung | 971A300 | In case the number of bills dispensed exceeds the maximum dispensing bill |
Hyosung | 971A400 | In case the number of coins dispensed exceeds the maximum dispensing coin |
Hyosung | 971A500 | Invalid mix number |
Hyosung | 971A600 | In case automatic Retry of SP fails 3 times |
Hyosung | 971A600 | In case automatic Retry of SP fails 3 times |
Hyosung | 971A700 | There is no setting information about automaticRetry standard |
Hyosung | 971A700 | There is no setting information about automaticRetry standard |
Hyosung | 971B000 | In case of being executed Reject orRetract command without being the bills in stacker. |
Hyosung | 971C000 | Not supported command |
Hyosung | 971D100 | Partial dispense |
Hyosung | 971D100 | Partial dispense |
Hyosung | 971D200 | Partial dispense from cassette #2 |
Hyosung | 971D200 | Partial dispense from cassette #2 |
Hyosung | 971D300 | Partial dispense from cassette #3 |
Hyosung | 971D300 | Unknown |
Hyosung | 971D400 | Unknown |
Hyosung | 971DX00 | In case partial bills dispensed by dispensing demand when Partial Dispense option is on.? �X� means cassette number. |
Hyosung | 9720000 | Receipt printer communication error during SP opening |
Hyosung | 9721111 | Off line status |
Hyosung | 9721112 | On busy |
Hyosung | 9721121 | Mechanics Error |
Hyosung | 9721122 | Recoverable Error |
Hyosung | 9721123 | Unrecoverable Error |
Hyosung | 9721124 | Paper jammed |
Hyosung | 9722010 | Receipt Printer communication failure during COM port open |
Hyosung | 9722010 | Unknown |
Hyosung | 9722020 | File Open Error |
Hyosung | 9722060 | Memory Allocate Error |
Hyosung | 9722068 | Invalid Media Name |
Hyosung | 972210 | Field is not Found |
Hyosung | 9722100 | Field Error (This Field must have initial value) |
Hyosung | 97221A2 | Invalid Unit |
Hyosung | 97221C1 | Form is not Found |
Hyosung | 97221C4 | Form Name is NULL |
Hyosung | 97221C5 | Invalid Form |
Hyosung | 97221C6 | PrintForm() offset is Invalid |
Hyosung | 97221C7 | Invalid Form (Too many Fields) |
Hyosung | 97221D1 | Media is not Found |
Hyosung | 97221D3 | Media Overflow when form size is larger than media size |
Hyosung | 97221D4 | Media Name is NULL |
Hyosung | 97221D5 | Invalid Media (Attribute for Media definition is not proper) |
Hyosung | 97221D6 | Invalid Media (Area size is larger than media size) |
Hyosung | 97221D7 | Invalid Media (Size of Media Name is exceeded to 2048 bytes totally) |
Hyosung | 9.72E+05 | Field is not Found |
Hyosung | 9.72E+06 | Field Error (This Field must have initial value) |
Hyosung | 9.72E+07 | Non-Indexed value for Indexed Field |
Hyosung | 9.72E+08 | Invalid Field |
Hyosung | 9.72E+09 | Invalid Field (This Field’s width is 0) |
Hyosung | 9722DN0 | Receipt Printer communication failure during sending command to Receipt Printer |
Hyosung | 9722DN0 | Receipt Printer communication failure during sending command to Receipt Printer |
Hyosung | 9723010 | Failed to open device |
Hyosung | 9723011 | Communication error |
Hyosung | 9723016 | Timeout to receive data |
Hyosung | 9723019 | Polling down |
Hyosung | 9730100 | IC card denial |
Hyosung | 9730200 | IC card online data error |
Hyosung | 9730300 | IC card error |
Hyosung | 9740000 | Cash Dispenser communication failure during COM port open |
Hyosung | 9740000 | Cash Dispenser communication failure during COM port open |
Hyosung | 9740020 | Failed to create file |
Hyosung | 9740025 | Failed to copy file |
Hyosung | 9740101 | In case incorrect cassette type is set. |
Hyosung | 9740102 | In case nonexistent Note Index is set. |
Hyosung | 9741100 | When sensing CS2 Dark (Error code, 400FF00 is subdivided by location of sensor.) |
Hyosung | 9741400 | When sensing CS4A Dark (Error code, 400FF00 is subdivided by location of sensor.) |
Hyosung | 9741400 | When sensing CS4A Dark (Error code 400FFOO is subdivided by location of sensor.) |
Hyosung | 9741800 | When sensing CS4B Dark (Error code, 400FF00 is subdivided by location of sensor.) |
Hyosung | 9741800 | When sensing CS4B Dark (Error code 400FFOO is subdivided by location of sensor.) |
Hyosung | 9742100 | When sensing CS21A, B Dark (Error code, 400FF00 is subdivided by location of sensor.) |
Hyosung | 9742100 | When sensing CS21A, B Dark (Error code, 400FF00 is subdivided by location of sensor.) |
Hyosung | 9742800 | When sensing CS13 Dark (Error code, 400FF00 is subdivided by location of sensor.) |
Hyosung | 9742800 | When sensing CS13 Dark (Error code 400FFOO is subdivided by location of sensor.) |
Hyosung | 9743B00 | When sensing CS15A, B Dark (Error code, 400FF00 is subdivided by location of sensor.) |
Hyosung | 9743B00 | When sensing CS15A, B Dark (Error code, 400FF00 is subdivided by location of sensor.) |
Hyosung | 9744700 | Bill jam in cassette, not able to pick bills from cassette |
Hyosung | 9744700 | Bill jam in cassette, not able to pick bills from cassette |
Hyosung | 9745500 | System power off while dispensing |
Hyosung | 9745500 | System power off while dispensing |
Hyosung | 9745B00 | Cash picking-up fail while cash in cassette #2 is enough |
Hyosung | 9745B00 | Cash picking-up fail while cash in cassette #2 is enough |
Hyosung | 9746B00 | When sensing CS31A, B Dark (Error code, 400FF00 is subdivided by location of sensor.) |
Hyosung | 9746B00 | When sensing CS31A, B Dark (Error code, 400FF00 is subdivided by location of sensor.) |
Hyosung | 9747B00 | When sensing CS41A, B Dark (Error code, 400FF00 is subdivided by location of sensor.) |
Hyosung | 9747C00 | Cash picking-up fail while cash in cassette #4 is enough |
Hyosung | 9747C00 | Unknown |
Hyosung | 9749F00 | Cash picking-up fail while cash in cassette #3 is enough |
Hyosung | 9749F00 | Cash picking-up fail while cash in cassette #3 is enough |
Hyosung | 974FF00 | When sensing bills in the Stacker (Error code, 400FF00 is subdivided by location of sensor.) |
Hyosung | 9770011 | Receive data fail |
Hyosung | 9770012 | Send data fail |
Hyosung | 9770013 | Serial port close fail |
Hyosung | 9770016 | Receive data timeout |
Hyosung | 9770017 | Send data timeout |
Hyosung | 9770032 | Registry write fail |
Hyosung | 9770034 | Registry delete fail |
Hyosung | 9770040 | Thread create fail |
Hyosung | 9770043 | Thread close fail |
Hyosung | 9770050 | ComMonitor4WBA.EXE create fail |
Hyosung | 9770060 | Shared Memory creation fail |
Hyosung | 977010 | Serial port open fail |
Hyosung | 9770111 | Transmitting incorrect command |
Hyosung | 9770121 | No defined currency |
Hyosung | 9770122 | Not setting deposit direction, and Inquire Accept() method |
Hyosung | 9770123 | Not setting deposit denomination, and Inquire Accept() method |
Hyosung | 9770124 | Set incorrect denomination when executing Enable()/Disable() |
Hyosung | 9770125 | Set incorrect direction when executing Direction() method |
Hyosung | 9770150 | Call Direction()/Enable()/Disable() method under no initialization |
Hyosung | 97911XX | DEV_JPR Timeover Error Code |
Hyosung | 9791200 | Unknown |
Hyosung | 9791201 | Unknown |
Hyosung | 97912XX | DEV_SPR Time Over Error |
Hyosung | 9791300 | Unknown |
Hyosung | 9791302 | Unknown |
Hyosung | 9791304 | Unknown |
Hyosung | 9791308 | Unknown |
Hyosung | 9791309 | Unknown |
Hyosung | 97913XX | DEV_MCU Time over |
Hyosung | 9791401 | Unknown |
Hyosung | 9791402 | Unknown |
Hyosung | 9791403 | Unknown |
Hyosung | 97914XX | DEV_Cash Dispenser Time over Error Code |
Hyosung | 97915XX | DEV_BRM Time over Error Code |
Hyosung | 97916XX | DEV_PBM Time over Error Code |
Hyosung | 97918XX | DEV_PIN Time over Error Code |
Hyosung | 9791AXX | DEV_FNG Time over Error Code |
Hyosung | 9791BXX | DEV_VFD Time over Error Code |
Hyosung | 9792200 | Unknown |
Hyosung | 9792201 | Receipt Printer Communication Failure |
Hyosung | 9792203 | Unknown |
Hyosung | 9792300 | Unknown |
Hyosung | 9792304 | Unknown |
Hyosung | 9792308 | Unknown |
Hyosung | 9792309 | Card Reader Error |
Hyosung | 97923XX | DEV_MCU Fatal error |
Hyosung | 9792400 | Unknown |
Hyosung | 9792401 | Unknown |
Hyosung | 9792402 | Unknown |
Hyosung | 9792403 | Unknown |
Hyosung | 97924XX | DEV_Cash Dispenser FATAL ERROR (WARNING) |
Hyosung | 9799301 | MCU retract over |
Hyosung | 9799499 | DISPENSER COUNT ERROR |
Hyosung | 9799601 | PBM RETRACT OVER |
Hyosung | 9799901 | DOOR CHECK |
Hyosung | 9799902 | LIGHT ERROR |
Hyosung | 9799903 | SPL ERROR |
Hyosung | 9799904 | EPP Communication Error |
Hyosung | 9799904 | EPP Communication Error |
Hyosung | 9799905 | SENSOR CHECK |
Hyosung | 9799907 | UPS ERROR |
Hyosung | 9799908 | SCREEN ERROR |
Hyosung | 9900000 | A given command code is unidentified |
Hyosung | 9900001 | Parameter is not correct |
Hyosung | 9900002 | Command execution is impossible under Supervisor program code area |
Hyosung | 9900003 | Hardware is not present |
Hyosung | 9900004 | Command Data Error |
Hyosung | 9900006 | MCR does not have keys that decipher the data. |
Hyosung | 9900010 | card jam |
Hyosung | 9900011 | shutter failure |
Hyosung | 9900012 | sensor failure of PD1, PD2, PD3, PDI/Card remains inside. |
Hyosung | 9900013 | Irregular card length(LONG) |
Hyosung | 9900014 | Irregular card length(SHORT) |
Hyosung | 9900015 | F-ROM error |
Hyosung | 9900016 | The Card was moved forcibly |
Hyosung | 9900017 | jam error at retrieve |
Hyosung | 9900018 | SW1 or SW2 error |
Hyosung | 9900020 | Read Error (Parity Error) |
Hyosung | 9900021 | Read Error (Other) |
Hyosung | 9900023 | Read Error (Only SS-ES-LRC) |
Hyosung | 9900024 | Read Error (no encode and/or no magnetic stripe) |
Hyosung | 9900026 | Read Error (No SS) |
Hyosung | 9900027 | Read Error (No ES) |
Hyosung | 9900028 | Read Error (LRC Error) |
Hyosung | 9900030 | Power Down |
Hyosung | 9900040 | Card was pulled out during capture |
Hyosung | 9900045 | MCR ejected the card forcibly |
Hyosung | 9900046 | The ejected card has not been withdrawn until the specified time. |
Hyosung | 9900050 | Retract counter overflow |
Hyosung | 9900051 | Motor error |
Hyosung | 9900053 | Digital decode read error |
Hyosung | 9900070 | F-Rom write Error |
Hyosung | 9900071 | CRC error of user program code area |
Hyosung | 99000A0 | The card does not exist at the hopper |
Hyosung | 99000A1 | There is a card at the lead line. |
Hyosung | 99000A2 | Transmission error between hopper and MCR(time over) |
Hyosung | 99000A4 | The guide door at hopper is open |
Hyosung | 99000A5 | The card jam at the hopper. |
Hyosung | 99000A6 | The hopping kicker could not return to the home position |
Hyosung | 99000B0 | Not received Initialize Command |
Hyosung | 99000SA | Under MSM’s Supervisor program code area |
Hyosung | 99000xx | xx : EP Error Code? Refer to specifications for EP Error Code |
Hyosung | 9900101 | Cannot create object error |
Hyosung | 9900102 | Device Not Ready Error |
Hyosung | 9900103 | Cannot open port Error |
Hyosung | 9900104 | Failed to begin thread error |
Hyosung | 9900105 | Device Already Connected |
Hyosung | 9900400 | Retain bin Full |
Hyosung | 9900444 | Media Jam |
Hyosung | 9900445 | Hopper Empty |
Hyosung | 9901000 | Device Not Connected |
Hyosung | 9902000 | Cancel Command Session error |
Hyosung | 9903000 | Failed to send command error |
Hyosung | 9904000 | Failed to receive reply error |
Hyosung | 9905000 | Command Canceled |
Hyosung | 9906000 | Reply Timeout |
Hyosung | 991@@91 | ON TRANSACTION POWER OFF |
Hyosung | 9910000 | SP Internal Error |
Hyosung | 9974180 | CS4B Sensor is Dark |
Hyosung | 9999999 | Unknown |
Hyosung | 99F0000 | Unknown Error Code |
Hyosung | A010100 | Open lever detected before executing command |
Hyosung | A010200 | Printer thermal head overheated while executing command |
Hyosung | A010300 | Paper jam detected before executing command |
Hyosung | A010400 | Paper setting error detected before executing command |
Hyosung | A010500 | Paper check error detected before executing command |
Hyosung | A010800 | Paper cutter software check error detected before executing command |
Hyosung | A080100 | Open lever detected while executing command |
Hyosung | A080200 | Receipt printer head overheated while printing |
Hyosung | A080300 | Paper jam detected while executing command |
Hyosung | A080400 | Paper setting error detected before executing command |
Hyosung | A080500 | Paper check error in doing command |
Hyosung | A080800 | Paper cutter software check error detected while executing command |
Hyosung | ADN0100 | No response detected for 30 seconds after sending command |
Hyosung | ADN0F00 | No response detected for 30 seconds after sending command |
Hyosung | ADN1100 | No response detected after 3 retries |
Hyosung | ADN1200 | No response detected between ENQ-ACK after5 retries of ENQ |
Hyosung | ADN1300 | No response detected after 5 retries because of timeout between STX-BCC interval |
Hyosung | ADNXX00 | Cash cassette taken out during dispense |
Hyosung | AXXX100 | CDU sensor blocked. |
Hyosung | AXXX200 | CDU main motor failure. |
Hyosung | AXXX300 | CDU outlet solenoid echo error. |
Hyosung | AXXX400 | CDU encoder error. |
Hyosung | AXXX500 | CDU double detect module failure 1 |
Hyosung | AXXX600 | CDU double detect module failure 2 |
Hyosung | AXXX700 | Note detected (outlet sensor) |
Hyosung | AXXX800 | CDU double detect module failure 3 |
Hyosung | B000100 | Dispensing error |
Hyosung | B4300(00) | Stacker full |
Hyosung | B4400(00) | Stacker open |
Hyosung | B4500(00) | Jam in acceptor |
Hyosung | B4600(00) | Jam in stacker |
Hyosung | B4700(00) | Pause conveying |
Hyosung | B4900(00) | Device execution fail |
Hyosung | B49A2(00) | Stack motor fail |
Hyosung | B49A5(00) | Transport motor speed fail |
Hyosung | B49A6(00) | Transport motor fail |
Hyosung | B49AB(00) | Cash box not ready |
Hyosung | B49AF(00) | Validator head remove |
Hyosung | B49B0(00) | Boot ROM fail |
Hyosung | B49B1(00) | External ROM fail |
Hyosung | B49B2(00) | ROM fail |
Hyosung | B49B3(00) | External ROM writing fail |
Hyosung | BDN00(00) | Communication failure |
Hyosung | C001Y00 | Note jam |
Hyosung | C002Y00 | Over 10 notes has been rejected per 1 transaction. |
Hyosung | C003000 | Over 5 notes has been rejected continuously. |
Hyosung | C003100 | Too many notes dispensed continuously. |
Hyosung | C003200 | CDU hardware failure |
Hyosung | C003300 | 1st Cassette Misfeed |
Hyosung | C003400 | Double Detection function failure. |
Hyosung | C003500 | Note jam. |
Hyosung | C003600 | Dispenser bill jam at exit sensor |
Hyosung | C003700 | Double detect failure (During dispense) |
Hyosung | C003800 | Cash cassette is not properly set |
Hyosung | C003900 | Gate sensor open during initializing |
Hyosung | C003A00 | Wrong count(over dispensed) |
Hyosung | C003B00 | Power failed during dispensing |
Hyosung | C004000 | Too many notes requested |
Hyosung | C004100 | Note detected(CS1A, CS1B) |
Hyosung | C004200 | Bill jam near exit sensors |
Hyosung | C004300 | Long note detected(outlet sensor) |
Hyosung | C004400 | 2nd Cassette Misfeed |
Hyosung | C004500 | More bills dispensed than requested. |
Hyosung | C004600 | CDU connection failure. |
Hyosung | C004700 | Modem reset failure |
Hyosung | C004800 | Reversal failure |
Hyosung | C004900 | The dispenser is not able to fulfill a dispense request due to hardware malfunctions. |
Hyosung | C004A00 | Communication Error |
Hyosung | C004B00 | RMS port failure |
Hyosung | C004C00 | RMS response timeout |
Hyosung | C004D00 | RMS modem failure |
Hyosung | C004E00 | RMS no dial tone |
Hyosung | C004F00 | The Number of dispensed notes does not match |
Hyosung | C005000 | Number of Bill is not inputted |
Hyosung | C005100 | Surcharge Owner is not inputted in Surcharge Enable |
Hyosung | C005200 | Surcharge Amount is not inputted in Surcharge Enable |
Hyosung | C005300 | Refresh timer is not inputted in Advertisement Enable |
Hyosung | C005400 | Advertisement text is not inputted in Advertisement Enable |
Hyosung | C005500 | Error in Dispense Limit setting |
Hyosung | C005600 | Error in inputting Note Currency |
Hyosung | C005700 | Error in Fast Cash setting |
Hyosung | C005800 | Reject bin is not in the correct position |
Hyosung | C005900 | Master Key Index invalid(0 <= MKEY Index <= 15) |
Hyosung | C005A00 | Master Key Empty |
Hyosung | C005B00 | Host Phone Number is not inputted |
Hyosung | C005C00 | Reject bin note detect error (CS14) |
Hyosung | C005D00 | Error Retry Timer is not inputted |
Hyosung | C005E00 | RMS Password is not inputted in RMS Enable |
Hyosung | C005F00 | RMS Phone Number is not inputted in RMS Enable |
Hyosung | C006000 | CS31A, CS31B detected before dispensing |
Hyosung | C006100 | CS31A, CS31B detected after dispenser motor on and before dispensing |
Hyosung | C006300 | CS31A, CS31B detected after dispensing |
Hyosung | C006A00 | Dispensing timeout error from CS15 to CS4 |
Hyosung | C006B00 | CS31A, CS31B detected during initialization |
Hyosung | C006Y00 | Terminal Number is not inputted |
Hyosung | C007000 | CS41A, CS41B detected before dispensing |
Hyosung | C007100 | Exceeded 200 note limit |
Hyosung | C007200 | CS41A, CS41B detected after dispenser motor on |
Hyosung | C007300 | CS41A, CS41B detected after dispensing |
Hyosung | C007A00 | Dispensing timeout error from CS15 to CS4 |
Hyosung | C007B00 | CS31A, CS31B detected error during initialization |
Hyosung | C007C00 | 4th cassette misfeed error |
Hyosung | C007D00 | 4th cassette taken out before dispensing |
Hyosung | C007Y00 | Routing ID is not inputted |
Hyosung | C008000 | CS15A, CS15B detected before dispensing |
Hyosung | C008100 | Master Key Serial Number is not inputted |
Hyosung | C008200 | Non-Cash Type text is not in/out(only MB-2100, 2200) |
Hyosung | C008300 | Parameter is not properly set |
Hyosung | C008400 | NVRAM Failure |
Hyosung | C009A00 | Dispensing timeout error from CS31 to CS4 |
Hyosung | C009D00 | No cassette present before dispensing from 3rd cassette |
Hyosung | C009F00 | 3rd cassette misfeed error |
Hyosung | C00AB00 | Note has been detected on the path before the Cash Dispenser Unit initializing. |
Hyosung | C00C700 | CS12 is Dark while initializing or dispensing (NH2100T) |
Hyosung | C00C800 | CS14 is Dark while initializing or dispensing (NH2100T) |
Hyosung | C00C900 | CS14 is Dark while initializing or dispensing (NH2100T) |
Hyosung | C00D000 | CS13 ~ CS12 Sensor Timeout[Jam] (NH2100T) |
Hyosung | C00D100 | CS12 ~ CS14 Sensor Timeout[Jam] (NH2100T) |
Hyosung | C00E000 | NS2A, NS2B dark |
Hyosung | C00E100 | NS4 dark |
Hyosung | C101000 | OUT OF CASH |
Hyosung | CasClose | Negative Balance Cassette Close Needed |
Hyosung | CDN0100 | No response detected after sending command |
Hyosung | CDN0F00 | No response detected after sending command |
Hyosung | CDN1100 | No response detected after 3 retries of sending command |
Hyosung | CDN1200 | No response detected between ENQ-ACK after 5 retries of ENQ |
Hyosung | CDN1300 | No response detected after 5 retries because of timeout between STX-BCC interval |
Hyosung | CDNXX00 | Cash Dispenser Unit connection failureControl Electronics<-> Cash Dispenser Unit communication error |
Hyosung | D000100 | Error while modem initializing |
Hyosung | D000200 | Reversal transaction failure |
Hyosung | D000300 | PIN ERROR |
Hyosung | D000400 | INVALID PIN |
Hyosung | D000500 | BANK UNAVAILABLE |
Hyosung | D0006 | Card not supported |
Hyosung | D000600 | CARD NOT SUPPORTED |
Hyosung | D000700 | INSUFFICIENT FUNDS |
Hyosung | D000900 | INELIGIBLE ACCOUNT |
Hyosung | D001000 | DAILY LIMIT EXCEEDED |
Hyosung | D001100 | UNABLE TO PROCESS |
Hyosung | D001200 | Invalid transaction |
Hyosung | D001300 | Invalid amount |
Hyosung | D0014 | Invalid card number |
Hyosung | D001400 | Invalid card number |
Hyosung | D001500 | UNABLE TO PROCESS |
Hyosung | D001700 | INVALID AMOUNT |
Hyosung | D001800 | EXTERNAL DECLINE |
Hyosung | D001900 | SYSTEM ERROR |
Hyosung | D002000 | Surcharge screen should have been displayed |
Hyosung | D002100 | ROUTING LOOKUP PROBLEM |
Hyosung | D002200 | UNABLE TO PROCESS |
Hyosung | D002400 | Exceeds Issuer Withdrawal Limit |
Hyosung | D003900 | No Credit Account |
Hyosung | D005100 | Insufficient Funds |
Hyosung | D005200 | No Checking Account |
Hyosung | D005300 | No Savings Account |
Hyosung | D0054 | Expire Card |
Hyosung | D005400 | Expire Card |
Hyosung | D005500 | Incorrect Pin |
Hyosung | D0057 | Transaction not permitted |
Hyosung | D005700 | Transaction not Permitted � Card |
Hyosung | D005800 | Transaction not Permitted � Terminal |
Hyosung | D006100 | Exceeds Withdrawal Limit |
Hyosung | D007500 | PIN Tries Exceeded |
Hyosung | D007800 | No Account |
Hyosung | D008000 | Invalid Date |
Hyosung | D008300 | Can not Verify PIN |
Hyosung | D008600 | Can not Verify PIN |
Hyosung | D009100 | Bank Unavailable |
Hyosung | D009200 | System Unavailable |
Hyosung | D009300 | Transaction Serial Number mismatch |
Hyosung | D009400 | Record format mismatch. |
Hyosung | D009500 | Routing ID mismatch. |
Hyosung | D009600 | Terminal ID mismatch. |
Hyosung | D009700 | Response Type mismatch (Reversal) |
Hyosung | D009800 | Response Type mismatch (Day Close) |
Hyosung | D009900 | Response Type mismatch (Config.) |
Hyosung | D009A00 | Response Type mismatch |
Hyosung | D009B00 | STX error |
Hyosung | D009C00 | ETX error |
Hyosung | D009D00 | FS out (after response code) |
Hyosung | D009E00 | FS out (after retrieval reference number) |
Hyosung | D009F00 | FS out (after system trace audit number) |
Hyosung | D00A000 | FS out (after account balance) |
Hyosung | D00A100 | FS out (after available balance) |
Hyosung | D00A200 | FS out (after surcharge amount) |
Hyosung | D00A300 | FS out (after authorization response text) |
Hyosung | D00A400 | ETX wrong position |
Hyosung | D00A500 | FS out (after total cash dispense amount) |
Hyosung | D00A600 | FS out (after total non-cash dispense amount) |
Hyosung | D00A700 | FS out (after total surcharge amount) |
Hyosung | D00A800 | FS out (after config surcharge amount) |
Hyosung | D00A900 | ETX out (config) |
Hyosung | D00AC00 | Invalid data received from the host (MAC data mismatch) |
Hyosung | D00B300 | FIRST DES KEY WRONG SIZE |
Hyosung | D00B500 | Sequence Number MISMATCHED |
Hyosung | D00B700 | Authorization Number Error |
Hyosung | D00B800 | BUSINESS DATE Error |
Hyosung | D00B900 | Transaction time Number Error |
Hyosung | D00BA00 | BUSINESS DATE Error |
Hyosung | D00BB00 | Balance amount Error |
Hyosung | D00BC00 | Actual Surcharge Error |
Hyosung | D00BD00 | Sequence Number MISMATCHED |
Hyosung | D00BF00 | BUSINESS DATE Error |
Hyosung | D00C000 | Settlement Error |
Hyosung | D00C100 | Host Mac result error |
Hyosung | D00C200 | ATM Mac result error |
Hyosung | D011100 | REVERSAL DECLINED |
Hyosung | D022200 | PIN CHANGE DECLINED |
Hyosung | D030000 | Modem is not responding |
Hyosung | D030100 | The target call address has call blocking enabled. |
Hyosung | D030200 | The specified terminal identifier is invalid. |
Hyosung | D030300 | All call appearances on the specified address are currently in use. |
Hyosung | D030400 | The disable address parameter contains dialing control characters that are not processed by the service provider. |
Hyosung | D030500 | The specified country/region code is invalid. |
Hyosung | D030600 | The operation failed for an unspecified or unknown reason. |
Hyosung | D030700 | Insufficient resources to complete the operation |
Hyosung | D100000 | No connection |
Hyosung | D110000 | Cannot receive ENQ from the host |
Hyosung | D120000 | Transmission error : Failed to receive the whole data within 5 seconds after requesting the modem to send the data. |
Hyosung | D130000 | Receiving NAK more than 3 times |
Hyosung | D140100 | Disconnected by Unknown Reason |
Hyosung | D140200 | Disconnected by rejected call from remote party |
Hyosung | D140300 | Disconnected because the local phone was picked up |
Hyosung | D140400 | Disconnected by Forwarded |
Hyosung | D140500 | Disconnected by Unreachable |
Hyosung | D140600 | Disconnected by Congestion |
Hyosung | D140700 | Disconnected by Incompatible |
Hyosung | D140800 | Disconnected by un-known reason |
Hyosung | D140900 | Disconnected by Bad Address |
Hyosung | D141000 | Disconnected by Unavailable |
Hyosung | D150000 | 1.Modem dial connection time-out(while dialing the modem).2.No response from host for 60 seconds. |
Hyosung | D150000 | 1. Modem dial connection time-out |
Hyosung | D150000 | Unknown |
Hyosung | D160100 | Disconnected by Bad Address |
Hyosung | D160200 | Disconnected by Unavailable |
Hyosung | D160300 | Disconnected by Out of Order |
Hyosung | D170000 | No carrier (while sending/receiving data after dial connection) |
Hyosung | D170100 | No Carrier during ENQ data receive from host |
Hyosung | D170200 | No Carrier before sending data send to host |
Hyosung | D170300 | No Carrier during sending data send to host |
Hyosung | D170400 | No Carrier during ACK/NAK data send to host |
Hyosung | D170400 | Unknown |
Hyosung | D170500 | No Carrier during ACK/NAK data receive from host |
Hyosung | D170600 | No Carrier during receiving data |
Hyosung | D170600 | Unknown |
Hyosung | D170700 | NAK retry error. |
Hyosung | D170800 | Send retry error |
Hyosung | D170900 | Modem initialize fail |
Hyosung | D170X00 | No carrierNo carrier during data transmission after the modem is connected. |
Hyosung | D171000 | Modem Comport Failed |
Hyosung | D180000 | No Dial Tone(in Modem dial connection) |
Hyosung | D190000 | No Answer |
Hyosung | D200000 | Dial(Line) busy |
Hyosung | D210000 | Time out(30sec.) for initializing modem before |
Hyosung | D220000 | not receiving EOT from HOST |
Hyosung | D230000 | No response from Host – Dialing time out to Host |
Hyosung | D250000 | Cannot connect to the host |
Hyosung | D251000 | Timeout while Sending |
Hyosung | D251100 | Communication error while Sending |
Hyosung | D251200 | Socket error while Sending |
Hyosung | D251300 | Timeout while Receiving |
Hyosung | D251400 | Communication error while Receiving |
Hyosung | D251500 | Socket Error while Receiving |
Hyosung | D320000 | No response from Host/Dialing time out to Host |
Hyosung | D320100 | Outbound call is aborted |
Hyosung | D320200 | Fail to dial out |
Hyosung | D320300 | No Line Reply |
Hyosung | D320400 | Get Line ID Failed |
Hyosung | D320500 | Modem Comport Failed |
Hyosung | D320600 | Call Failed |
Hyosung | D320700 | No Answer |
Hyosung | D320800 | Modem Call Other Error |
Hyosung | D410000 | CRC Mismatch |
Hyosung | D410100 | No CRC Received |
Hyosung | DA01200 | Invalid Transaction, or printer issue (can’t print transaction receipt) |
Hyosung | DA0xxx0 | Host Denial Error |
Hyosung | DG90000 | GivePay communication error |
Hyosung | DG90100 | GivePay Request Denied Error |
Hyosung | DG90200 | GivePay Request Denied – Wrong ZIP Code |
Hyosung | DG90300 | GivePay no result received error |
Hyosung | DG91100 | GivePay didn’t receive a legitimate token from the transaction attempt |
Hyosung | E000100 | RMS port failure |
Hyosung | E000200 | RMS response time-out |
Hyosung | E000300 | RMS modem failure |
Hyosung | E000400 | RMS no dial tone |
Hyosung | Error Code | Description |
Hyosung | F000100 | Number of Bill is not inputted |
Hyosung | F000100 | Number of Bill is not inputted |
Hyosung | F000200 | Parameter is not properly set (Surcharge Owner) |
Hyosung | F000300 | Parameter is not properly set (SurchargeAmount) |
Hyosung | F000300 | Parameter is not properly set (SurchargeAmount) |
Hyosung | F000400 | Parameter is not properly set (Adver. Text refreshing timer) |
Hyosung | F000500 | Parameter is not properly set (Advertisement text) |
Hyosung | F000600 | Parameter is not properly set (Dispense limit) |
Hyosung | F000700 | Parameter is not properly set (Denomination) |
Hyosung | F000800 | Parameter is not properly set (Fast Cash) |
Hyosung | F000900 | Master Key Index invalid |
Hyosung | F000900 | Unknown |
Hyosung | F000A00 | Master Key empty |
Hyosung | F000A00 | Master Key empty |
Hyosung | F000B00 | Host Phone Number is not inputted |
Hyosung | F000B00 | Host Phone Number is not inputted |
Hyosung | F000C00 | Error Retry Timer is not inputted |
Hyosung | F000D00 | RMS Password is not inputted in RMS Enable |
Hyosung | F000E00 | RMS Phone Number is not inputted in RMS Enable |
Hyosung | F000E00 | RMS Phone Number is not inputted in RMS Enable |
Hyosung | F000F00 | Terminal Number is not inputted |
Hyosung | F000F00 | Unknown |
Hyosung | F001000 | Routing ID is not inputted |
Hyosung | F001100 | Master Key Serial Number is not inputted |
Hyosung | F001200 | Non-Cash Type text is not inputted |
Hyosung | F001300 | Parameter is not properly set |
Hyosung | F001400 | NVRAM Failure |
Hyosung | F001500 | ATM Serial No. Empty |
Hyosung | F001600 | Default master password was not changed |
Hyosung | F001600 | Default master password was not changed |
Hyosung | F001F00 | Machine serial number is not set |
Hyosung | F002000 | Unknown |
Hyosung | F002100 | Unknown |
Hyosung | F002200 | Unknown |
Hyosung | F002F00 | Host type is not set |
Hyosung | F003F00 | Communication ID invalid (only triton) |
Hyosung | F004F00 | EPP(Pinpad) key mode is invalid |
Hyosung | F005F00 | Denomination is invalid |
Hyosung | F006F00 | Failed Host Connection! |
Hyosung | F007F00 | Invalid Exchange Rate |
Hyosung | F00FF00 | Failed to write Journal |
Hyosung | F00FF00 | Failed to write Journal |
Hyosung | FFFFFFF | NVRAM is broken |
Hyosung | IDN0X | DIP MCR connection failure |
Hyosung | IDN0X00 | DIP MCR connection failure |
Hyosung | MX-5000XP with SIDECAR | |
Hyosung | SDN0100 | Service Panel (SPL) communication error |
Error Codes
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